We are delighted to announce that Christophe Evain has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of the Quilvest Capital Partners Board. Christophe has been a valued board member since 2021 and his appointment marks a significant milestone in the firm’s journey, geared towards strengthening its institutional framework and ensuring improved governance to support further growth.

Alexis Meffre retains his role as the firm’s CEO and remains on Quilvest’s board. Alexis will continue to focus on the diligent stewardship of Quilvest’s investments, while furthering the firm’s growth strategy, broadening its capital base and introducing new products.

The Board, Christophe and Alexis are committed to positioning the firm for continued success.

LinkedIn post : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/quilvest-capital-partners_quilvestcapitalpartners-privateequity-boardchange-activity-7184097965198737408-HfuG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop